7:00 AM | Posted in

Where do you place the advertisements? Google AdSensWords is the leading contextual advertising tool for making money online. How to use Google AdWords to generate consistant results however is not easy, especially for the newbie marketeer.

Well thanks to the lads at Google with their AdWords program you can now pay to have small text or graphic advertisments on your site. You only actually page if someone clicks on the special google ad and visits your site.

To start making money with Google AdWords you must first have a Google AdWords account, this is free to set up, if you don't have one you can get one here.

Once you have the AdWords account setup there are pages that provide you with options for which kind of ads you wish to have displayed, what title and description you want to place, then the URL of the page you want your visitor to arrive at on.
You choose which keywords (i.e. the phrases that reflect your business) and select how much you will pay-per-click if a web user clicks on your ad and visits your site.

Google then start showing your ads on their network on pages that reflect the content of your ads.

Of course if it were just as simple as that we would all be making a fortune with Google AdWords, The difficult part is choosing your keywords and writing the advertisemtn. Now the good news is that I have an absolutely free Google AdWords eBook that will show you how to do it.

With no catch and no purchase required. Just download the eBook and read it. Free.

Make Money Online Today with this FREE Google Adwords eBook (3.4Mb)


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